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COVID-19 Precautions

Writer's picture: Heather HorstHeather Horst

Since my previous post about Standard Precautions, Elkhart County has experienced significant changes. Our infection rates are up. Local hospitals have announced they are nearly out of beds. Our county and our state has mandated masks. It's time to go beyond even Standard Precautions.

I am now wearing a mask whenever I see patients, and I require all my patients to do the same. (Exception - craniosacral sessions for infants and toddlers.)

Masks may be paper or fabric, they must cover the mouth AND THE NOSE, and they may not include exposed valves. If you do not have a mask, I can provide one.

I take my temperature every morning, and I am taking patient temperatures when you arrive for your session. If I am sick with cold/flu symptoms, if my temperature is above 100.3F, or if I have spent significant time (over 15 minutes) with someone who has symptoms, a fever, or positive covid-19 status, I will contact you to postpone your appointment. In those circumstances I will get tested and avoid exposing anyone until I know I'm not a carrier. I ask all my patients to do the same for me. We are all in this together, and we have a duty to protect each other. Thank you for protecting my health and that of my other patients.

All the usual precautions of handwashing and cleaning will continue. I disinfect surfaces frequently with a 95% alcohol solution. (The CDC recommends that disinfectants contain at least 70% alcohol.) No contact can be completely without risk, and I understand if you prefer to postpone your care until the curve is flatter. If you prefer to continue your appointments, I hope that you will find these precautions adequate.

Nutrition appointments can be done via telehealth to reduce risk, and supplement purchases may be picked up with zero contact. Even nutrition labs can be arranged with a phlebotomy home visit to avoid traveling to a crowded facility.

If our community is faithful to the public health guidelines now, we have hopes of loosened restrictions in the future. I will be as glad as anyone to go without masks once it's safe to do so! They're too warm, they obscure facial expressions and muffle speech. But since they can prevent unnecessary suffering and death, I will joyfully participate in this new courtesy.

Be well, everyone! I hope to be with you again soon.




(574) 202-9283

17648 State Road 4, Goshen, IN 46528

hours: by appointment only

patients must be 100% fragrance-free

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